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Pay it Forward Recovery Graffiti 


Artists in Recovery:  Give Back to YOUR Communities!

Help another…if it feels good, do it!


Someone out there needs your help…right NOW



We build self esteem by doing self esteem-able actions.  Recovery Graffiti finds a home in the hearts of so many...


24 Hr Power Sunday Art 4 Transitions Tre
Raodee Monday 8.19 Zone Barbershop.png
Nas Lynn Graffiti.png
Braintree Manor logo.png

Our Brothers & Sisters in Recovery come in all shapes and sizes...they live everywhere...many in nursing homes....suffering from Traumatic Brain Injuries, Strokes, Car Accidents, Overdoses...the list goes on and on. 


Join us as we bring new Recovery Graffiti projects to Braintree Manor.   Sometimes we work all month on sketches to bring there that we help the residents fill in while they listen to their favorite tunes...from Thanksgiving Recovery Graffiti Table Cloths to HUGE Canvases of Hope that decorate their hallways, 24 Hr. Power, Inc. is there bringing Recovery Graffiti to those who need it most! 

Rec Graf BM.png
Susie Holding Banner Braintree Manor.jpg
xmas braintree manor group 1.jpg

Thank you guys from Revelations in Recovery Sober Living for these lovingly outlined mini canvases...our TBI Brothers & Sisters in Recovery @ Braintree Manor will LOVE filling these in...and calling them their very own!

Revelations Stenciling.jpg
2 at table bm.jpeg
Alyssa and Shivon TY.png
BM March TY.png
1 Year Anniversary Braintree Manor Recov
BWW Tonight 9.04.19.png

Partnering with Sober Warriors,

24 Hr. Power, Inc. Recovery Graffiti  

drenches this Heavy Bag donated

by a family who lost one of their loves ones

to addiction...lovingly decorated by so many

brothers & sisters in recovery! 

Chad lion 1.png
Pay it Forward Boxing Bag.png

24 Hr. Power, Inc. partnered with the City of Brockton to Pay it Forward with Recovery Graffiti Blankets for the Homeless in the proud of our Brothers & Sisters in Recovery for dedicating so much time, so much effort, so much creativity, and most importantly, so much love into these one of a kind blankets for our less fortunate on the streets...

STR Recovery Graffiti Blankets for the H
Recovery Graffiti Blanket Party  for the

24 Hr. Power, Inc. Pay it Forward Recovery Graffiti Facelift for the Rec Room at the new Anchor Community Recovery Center, Hull

Lee Soares Anchor Center Mural.png
Rachel Window Montage.png
Jose and Helena Mirian Hair Salon.png
Rachel Fundraiser TY.png

What are YOU good at?  Don't say "Nothing"!

Pay it Forward with your own unique talents...

Good with hair? Nails? Make-up?



A Sober Woman’s House needs your talent now. Cut, color, blow dry.  Give these girls the gift of beauty, make them feel special for the day!

Good with animals?



There’s a whole bunch of lonesome dogs and cats that would love for you to play with them at your local shelter

Good at sports?



Play ball with kids at your local Y

Good with a shovel?



Plenty of old folks living on their own with fixed incomes could sure use your help!

Good piano player?



Teach a child whose parents can’t afford lessons to play!

Value your freedom? 



A few minutes spent with a recovering vet goes a long way

Love football?



So do a LOT of shut in seniors

at assisted living facilities near you

Good with cars?



So many are on fixed incomes driving beat up cars…

please help!!

Good on the phone?



Answer phones at your local AA/NA office

© 2019 24 HR POWER, INC.

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